
“The opportunity to be mentored by a swimming heroine has been truly life changing for our daughter. I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Lizzie to any parent or club.”


Throughout their career, an elite athlete continually develops a skillset that allows them to respond to the pressures of their sport and succeed on the high-performance landscape. 

The most successful sportspeople are those with the ability to absorb physical and mental stress, respond positively and proactively, and be personally accountable for their decisions and actions.

Young  athletes  face  a  uniquely  challenging  journey  to  becoming  an  elite  athlete  –  often  having  to learn  through  trial  and  error.  At  a  transformative  age,  they  try  to  balance  education  and  sport, manage  increasing  daily  pressure,  and  deal  with  growing  expectation  and,  sometimes, disappointment. It can be a steep learning curve, and incredibly stressful, for all involved.

I have created a mentoring programme to provide young athletes with holistic guidance, helping  launch  their  professional  development  into  the  fast-lane!  Success  is achieved  by  creating  a  structured,  personalised  programme,  regularly  tracking progress, and solving arising problems with an independent, top-flight mentor.

The programme runs alongside the athlete’s training environment, complimenting existing support from coaches and parents. 

The Programme

The programme offers a holistic approach to performance and success, and is designed to compliment existing support from coaches and parents.

The Three Pillars of Success

“Try not to become a person of success. Rather become a person of value.”

Albert Einstein

Why Mentoring?

Programme Benefits

  • Increase awareness of the requirements of high performance sport
  • Become more professional towards your training, racing and lifestyle
  • Learn how to balance interests like education and social life
  • Proactively improve communication with support team (coaches, teachers & parents)
  • Enhance your mental wellbeing and attitude by learning mindfulness techniques
  • Gain an advanced self-awareness and accountability for goals and progress
  • Develop a personal set of skills, equipping you to reach your potential in sport and beyond

Programme Structure

12 Week Programme 

First Session: Introduction & Individualised plan

Weeks 1-12: Regular mentoring sessions over Skype or in person. The sessions will be focused on developing skills, monitoring targets and tackling challenges together.

Between Sessions: Additional contact and support, plus individualised homework tasks

For all enquires and more information please contact